Lumin Web App

The Process ->

The Problem:

The Lumin web app faced challenges to poor user experience. This resulted in low order rates, and difficulty in . An improvement was needed to decrease the return rates and increase orders.

Developing a Solution:

  • A/B order system redesign
  • A/B Testing on the variations
  • Test Analysis on the test
  • Worked with Engineers to implement the solution
  • Debugged errors and launched beta testing
  • Launched live solution


  • Increase in order rates by 30% after 2 months
  • Decrease in order drop off rate by 25% after 2 months.

Tools used

  • SQL and MySQL
  • Mode Analytics
  • Asana
  • Notion

Other things I did

  • Defined and monitored
  • product KPIs Queried, organized and
  • Monitored data and metrics
  • Liaisoned with the Customer experience and customer support team to understand user problems and translate the problems into actionable tickets
  • Tested product features for proper quality assurance before pushing to production
  • Developed and maintained product documentation 
  • Integrated tools for better workflows
  • Worked with Engineers and Designers to iterate on soultions

More Projects

Led the end-to-end redesign and implementation of the web app adding needed features that led to increased premium signup rate, reduced user average time to checkout which led to an increase in the order rate by 30%
Led the end-to-end redesign and implementation of the web app adding needed features that led to increased premium signup rate, reduced user average time to checkout which led to an increase in the MRR by 40%

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